About us

NHGPPO Ltd is a not-for-profit membership organization, working closely and supporting North Manchester’s 34 General Practices
and the wider local health care system at both a secondary and community level.

Convenient, Expert, Local Healthcare.

Since inception the Federation has been awarded and successfully delivered both national and local APMS and GMS contracts
and have been instrumental in project managing, mobilisation and implementing high profile pilot schemes, which include:

Pilot Schemes
The Prime Ministers Challenges (PMCF)
High Impact Primary Care (HIPC)
Health Development Coordinators (HDC)
A&E – Primary Same Day Care (SDC)
Match Fit in collaboration with Manchester city Football Club
Dedicated GP Access to Carers on a Sunday

APMS & GMS Contracts
Prime Minister Challenge Fund- 2015/16
7 Day Extended Access Service –2016/2020
Victoria Mill Health Centre -Oct 2017 to date
Charlestown Medical Centre – Oct 2017- to date
Special Allocation Scheme -July 19-March 23
Covid Service – April 2020- Sept 22
Enhanced Access DES – 4 North PCN’s April 20- Sept 2022
PCN EAS: PCN Cheetham & Crumpsall & City Centre & Ancoats – Sept 22- March 2025
Park View Medial Centre – March 20-to date.
Winter Resilience Services Dec 23- March 24

Getting In Touch

0161 2303035


Victoria Mill, 10 Lower Vickers Street, Miles Platting, Manchester M40 7LH

Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm